Know About the Top Irrigation Techniques and Their Benefits

Whether for your little lawn or your large farmland, irrigation is a part of farming that cannot be over emphasized. It is the mechanism that ensures our plants are adequately watered for a consistent period. However, doing it right would be of utmost importance if you want your plants to grow at an accelerated rate.

When you walk into a local hardware store, you are faced with a plethora of choices as to the types of tools to purchase for your irrigation. Thus, it is important to understand the different techniques of irrigation available to you so you can choose the best irrigation supplies in Perth that fits your purpose.

Drip Irrigation

As the name suggests, this system allows water to slowly drip into the base of the plant through tiny tubes fitted with emitters. It ensures that the plant is watered from the root up. It is suitable for irrigating fruits and vegetable plants.

The major benefit of this system is its cost saving potential. Because it sends water directly to the roots, it saves a lot of money time and effort. It’s the fastest growing mode of irrigation because of the quality.

Sprinkler Irrigation

The rationale behind the method is to mimic rainfall. Thus, the water is sprinkled in such a way that seems like rainfall. The water is passed through pipes equipped with sprinklers that distribute the water in smaller quantity directly to the plants.

This mode of irrigation would be considered appropriate in landmass of different sizes. It also has the added advantage of being conduits of applying chemicals and fertilizers to the land. Thus if flexibility is a concern, then you should consider the sprinkler method when purchasing your rural fencing supplies Perth.

Sub-Surface Irrigation

Just like the drip system it also distributes water through tubes fitted with emitters. However, in this case, the tubes are buried way below the ground surface. It was invented in the 60s by Israeli farmers and is best suitable for irrigating areas with the hot or windy weather.

Its major benefit just like the drip system is the water saving capabilities which consequently saves the cost of pumping water and powering the machine. It also reduces the number of weeds that would grow near the plant since the water is not on the plant’s surface where weeds are known to grow.

Surface Irrigation

If you wish to go conventional, then the surface irrigation system is your choice as it is the oldest form of irrigation method. This system employs the force of gravity in distributing water to the surface of the plant. Its only drawback is the amount of water that would be consumed in the process.

However, it requires the least amount of manual labour, unlike the previously mentioned systems. It also covers the largest amount of land mass in the shortest period. Finally, it has resistance to wind variation and sediments.

Consider these techniques before you purchase irrigation tools or rural fencing supplies in Perth.

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