An Overview of Different Types of Agricultural Irrigation Systems

Australia exports around 65% of its agricultural production to international markets. Achieving such a level of agricultural production in the driest inhabited continent on the Earth is not an easy task. Farmers across all states of Australia utilise irrigation systems in agricultural production systems.

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, surface irrigation method was used for producing about 96% of rice, about 95% of cotton, and about 51% of cereals other than rice. Drip irrigation was used on about 80% of farms where their main irrigation activity was fruit growing and about 73% of farms for grape growing.

Now more than ever, there is an extensive range of irrigation supplies Perth available to assist you with your farm operations. The following are the different types of irrigation systems that can be used to water the crops artificially.

Types of irrigation systems:

Centre Pivot Irrigation:

Pivot irrigation system is one of the modern irrigation systems used in agriculture to make better use of water resources.  Steel or aluminium pipes are joined together and are mounted on wheeled towers. The sprinklers are located on the length of the tower, and they move in a circular motion.


  • The amount of water applied can be adjusted by changing the speed of the system.
  • This system can also be used to apply fertilisers and pesticides.
  • You can get higher yields
  • The ability to hedge against the weather and reduced risk of crop failures

Sprinkler System:

Many farmers in Australia have begun using sprinkler systems and rural fencing Perth to irrigate field crops and provide water to livestock in response to rising water prices and reductions in water supply. This irrigation system is based on overhead sprinklers, sprays or guns, installed on permanent risers.


  • When compared to other irrigations systems, the sprinkler system is convenient.
  • Help to deliver the right amount of water evenly without damaging the roots of the crops.
  • The entire soil is effectively irrigated through spray heads.

Multifaceted drip Irrigation:

It is undeniably the most water-efficient irrigation system, and it is better than sprinkler systems. As the water is sprinkled slowly in a systematic order, the landscape gets adequate water nourishment.


  • Drip irrigation does not require excavating and rarely disrupts the integrity of a landscape bed during installation.
  • Water is delivered directly to the surface rather than spraying up and out over an area.
  • This type of irrigation can provide 1 to 4 gallons of water per hour to a landscape bed, and there is no drift.

The rotor irrigation System:

Currently, it is in demand because it is water efficient, and makes it easy for the soil to absorb the water without a lot of wastage.


  • More practical than spray heads
  • Emit water at a slow pace and works for both small as well as large farming.
  • Application of water can be adjustable that makes it easier for uniform distribution of the water.

Upgraded farm fencing supplies Perth and irrigation supplies Perth can enhance farm operation. So, utilise wisely!

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