5 Signs That You Should Upgrade Your Sprinkler System

Sprinkler systems are a great investment for those who want to maintain their landscape in top shape. A proper sprinkler system will help you save lots of time and money, provided they are in good condition. A damaged sprinkler system will lead to several problems in your property. Detecting the possible signs of a malfunctioning sprinkler system will help you determine if it’s necessary to upgrade the same.

Reduced Water Pressure:

One of the common signs of an erroneous sprinkler system is the reduced water pressure. When a sprinkler system from rural fencing supplies in Perth is installed the right way, the water pressure will be even and proper, so that it reaches all the right spots in the landscape. When you see that the sprinkler heads don’t come up or there’s reduced water coverage, it means that there’s a possible leakage. There could also be other reasons for this as well, such as less municipal water supply. So, check for other issues before inspecting the sprinkler system.

Increased Water Bills:

When you set up a sprinkler system purchased from rural fencing supplies in Perth, you will get a gist of how much water will be potentially used for the intended purpose. Water usage will also vary on different seasons throughout the year, hence small variations in water bills are reasonable. However, if you notice a sudden and huge spike in your next water bill, it’s likely that the sprinkler system is faulty. Remember to check other water sources such as faucets for water leakage as well. If they look fine, your sprinkler system might be causing the issue.

Fungus Growth:

Fungus growth might be natural, but it could also be possible when there’s too much water in one area of your landscape. If you find that a particular spot of your land is growing mushrooms, it might be that there’s more water presence caused by sprinkler system leakage.

Signs of Erosion:

Weathering is a natural phenomenon, but erosion that happens out of the blue explains that there’s an underground leak. This could be because of the tree roots interfering with the pipes, or a broken pipe under the ground. You might probably find that the erosion happens close to the sprinkler heads or somewhere along the line. The erosion will continue when the water leakage increases. Get the assistance of a professional to have this inspected, and purchase the sprinkler system from a leading provider of irrigation supplies and rural fencing in Perth if necessary.

Inconsistent Watering:

Uneven water distribution is a clear sign that your sprinkler system is defective. You might notice too much water in one spot of your lawn, or totally dry sections scattered across the lawn. If the grass is watered inconsistently, you would either need to adjust the heads or purchase a new one from the providers of irrigation supplies in Perth.

Keep in mind these signs caused by a faulty sprinkler system. A professional will analyse the issue and will suggest if it needs to be repaired or upgraded to an advanced sprinkler system.

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