Choosing the Electric Fencing Supplies in 9 Simple Steps

Selecting the right fence for the property is one of the biggest challenges for any livestock owner or farmer. Fencing is not just give you a protection also establish the farm boundaries. Fencing comes with wide range of options and components. If you consider replacing your rusty and barbed wire fence, you can take electric fence as an ideal option. While choosing an electric fencing in Perth, you need to be aware of certain supplies that are essential for electric fencing. Here are the important electric fencing supplies that you need to be cautious about.

Type of Fence

Electric fencing comes in various types such as rope, twine, tape, wire and power. You can find them as temporary, semi- permanent or permanent fence. Temporary fence are portable and easy to install but not assured for the durability. Semi-permanent and permanent fence are designed to withstand wear and tear by livestock and long lasting. So that, choose the one based on the type of area you are going to install.

Length and Height of the Fence

Before choosing an electric fencing in Perth, determine the height and length of the area. This will give you estimate time to complete the installation. The sizes can vary based on the type of the animal you are wishing to manage. Pre-packaged electric fence kits are available in the market and are designed for small domestic animals such as dogs, rabbits and small wildlife critters.

Number of Line Post and Corner Post Needed

The number of line post can be determined by the length of your fence and desired post spacing. Usually the space between two posts can be 12-15 feet. Calculate your fence by perimeter ft. /post spacing and you will get the number of post needed for your fence. You will need corner post at every corner of the fence.

Type of Conductor

You can choose the conducting wire based on the animal you are wishing to manage. You can find conducting wire in steel, aluminium, poly tape and poly wire. Fences made steel are cheaper and aluminium fences are durable. Poly wire fences are easy to install while poly tape allows you to view clearly that is best for horse fencing.

Number of Strands

The number of strands can be determined by the type and size of animal you are managing. If you need a horse fencing in Perth, you need to devote additional space than cow and other small animals. Also you need to take notes on the various ages of animals to find sufficient quantity of strands. Multiply the length of perimeter with the number of strands required to find the total amount of conducting wire.

Number of Insulators

The number of insulators can be calculated by the type of post and type of wire you’ve used. The insulators must be compatible with your post type and your conductor wire. You can determine the number of insulators by multiplying the number of fence post with the number of strands.

Type of Energizer

There are three main types of energizers used for fencing that are mains, battery and solar powered. Mains powered electric fence chargers can be used for permanent electrical fencing when the main power is available. The battery powered fence chargers are used when there is no main electric supply available. Solar powered electric fences are maintenance free.

Type of Gate

There are commonly three types of fence gates available in the market such as electrified spring gate, electric wire gate with insulating gate handle and standard rigid metal farm gate. You can choose one of them according to the personal preference.

Grounding System

There are commonly two types of grounding system used for electric fencing such as one wire grounding system and two wire grounding system. One wire grounding system is very common and used for most of the circumstances while the two wire grounding system used for very dry soils.

This guide will assist you in choosing the most suitable components for your electric fence. Ensure you have all the necessary supplies, before you begin installing your electric fence.

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