The least favourite pastime on the farm is fencing and this dread of fencing seems to overspread among most of the farmers these days. But, don’t underestimate the value of farm fencing! Even as an easily overlooked asset, a farm fence serves a variety of purposes including securing property lines, protecting livestock and enhancing the security of the farm. It also plays a major role in improving the aesthetic look of the farm. Building a new fence or repairing or maintaining the existing fences can be a costly affair but a better planning ensures the fence is constructed properly for the needed purpose within the destined budget. Here are a few basic rules to consider before building a new fence or maintain an existing old fence.
Plan your Fence
Always keep in mind not to cut corners or skimp on the materials while laying rural fencing in Perth. Fix an adequate amount of time to carefully layout the fence lines and avoid placement errors that could anger neighbours by confirming property lines. Avoid rough terrains, stony areas and steep climbs while laying the fence and replace the vegetation to prevent erosion and weed growth.
Permanent or Temporary
Choose on whether to choose a permanent or temporary fence depending on your needs. Permanent fences indicate the exact position of the property lines between the neighbours and the farm. This type of fencing works well for cropland, pastures that are used annually and lanes that direct livestock movement. While constructing permanent fences, make sure to invest in quality materials to ensure they will last longer. Temporary fences are less expensive and easier to build than permanent fences and can be reconfigured with minimal ease and cost.
Gates and Fencing Lanes
Fencing lanes are commonly used to connect working facilities, livestock buildings and pastures with water. So, build a lane in such a way that it follows a natural ridge to prevent gaps. Relocate temporary fencing time to time to redirect the livestock if the land is wet. The best place to site lanes is to place them at the corner of each field closer to the farm building. Also make sure to use string and sturdy materials for building fencing gates to make it break free and avoid any injuries.
The most important part of the electric fencing system is grounding and uses long galvanised steel ground rods. High quality tensile wire is essential for permanent fencing whereas aircraft wires are used for temporary fences.
Performing regular fence inspection, repair and maintenance ensures that the fences are at the proper tension and clear weeds away to avoid major maintenance issues. Choose only the quality and durable rural fencing supplies in Perth, to ensure every purchase is worthy of your hard earned money.
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