An Ultimate Guide for Farm Fencing

Installing farm fencing can provide security to your livestock. A well-designed and constructed fence is one of the important infrastructures for every property. Maintaining the livestock without fencing will be a tuff task.

The factors that are to be considered while installing a fence are:

  • Make sure whether the fence is a boundary fence or an internal fence: Barbed wire may be recommended for boundary fences. Boundary fences may need to be sturdier than internal fences.
  • The type of animal needing to be kept in or out: As each animal differs, their fencing needs also differs. Compared to sheep, the cattle place higher pressures on their fences.

Types of fences

Electric fences rely on a psychological barrier created by an electric shock to prevent stock crossing the fence. On the other hand, the conventional fences use barbed wire or plain wires, prefabricated rolls to create a physical stock proof barrier. For a worthy farm fence you need to look for good farm fencing supplies in Perth.

Elements of a fence

The fence consists of 3 main elements namely

  • Droppers
  • intermediate posts
  • strainer assembly at either end

Droppers and Intermediate posts

  • Droppers, which are suspended in the fence, maintain the vertical wire spacing and spread any lateral pressure onto all the wires.
  • Intermediate posts perform two functions; provide lateral resistance to pressure by transferring it into the ground to some extent and to guide the line wires off the ground at the correct spacing.

Strainer assemblies

  • Strainer assemblies transfer the tension in the wires to the ground and are the most important part of any fence.

Material types

Fencing materials includes concrete, steel, and treated timber. You can choose the farm fencing supplies that suits your need.

  • Concrete posts need to be pre-stressed to perform well but they can still be affected by fire and are very heavy.
  • Steel is more expensive fencing material. It can be galvanised to prevent rusting. Steel posts can be installed quickly by hand without the need for a tractor. It is an excellent alternative in high fire risk areas.
  • Treated timber is a popular choice because of its resistance to termites. It is light and can easily be cut to length in the field.


Wire comes in many thicknesses (gauges) and tensile strengths. A fencing material supplier can help you decide what the most appropriate gauge for your fence is.

  • In fencing, three types of wire are mainly used and they are plain wire, barbed wire and prefabricated rolls.
  • The most expensive prefabricated rolls can be used in conjunction with barbed or plain wire. They are an easy and quick way to erect a fence.

If you are looking for farm fencing supplies in Perth, you can rely on Rural Fencing & Irrigation Supplies.

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