How to Prepare For An Electric Fence Installation?

Electric fencing is a popular option as it provides a psychological barrier and the animals would learn to respect them soon. But electric fencing requires a lot of planning that includes scheming the layout and deciding on what electric fencing supplies in Perth you would need. Without a right plan, you could end spending more than you had intended. Here are the things you need to do before the installation of electric fencing in Perth,

Learn about the Fencing laws

Try to get to the bottom of the local and state fencing laws so that you would be aware of your legal responsibilities, liabilities and rights. Consult with a local regulatory body to receive more accurate fencing information. To avoid any future conflicts, contact your neighbouring landowners and discuss about your plan. This is very important if you are fencing around your perimeter/boundary.

Investigate regarding tax credits

Electric fencing in Perth is a major investment. Check if you are entitled to tax deductions for the money you had spent on your fencing assets.

Draw up an installation guide

There is no fixed plan for electric fencing. The steps would vary based on the type of the fencing you have chosen to suit your requirements. Sketching out the area you are about to fence, including the locations of everything nearby such as buildings, water lines, end posts, feed bunks, trees, fence chargers, electric outlets etc. can be very beneficial.

Have Topographical maps

One of the most useful tools that help you to set up field boundaries is the Aerial photography of the area on which you will be installing the fence. They can also provide information based on the contours and slope of your farm.

Google Earth is helpful in its own way. Though they would not display the lines of your property, you can get to know more about the features of your land.

Find the perimeter length

You need to measure the required length of the fencing accurately so that you can purchase electric fencing supplies in Perth with more confidence. If your ordered length is not adequate enough, then you would have to face installation delays. At the same time, over-ordering would lead to wastage. So take the measurements carefully.


Now that you have found the perimeter length, it is time to choose your fencing supplier. Once you have made the selection, place the order based on your needs. The height and width of the fence varies depending on the animals you want to contain.

Other than the fencing components, make sure that you have the other standard tools like scissors, screw driver, protective gloves, shovel etc.

If you have any doubts regarding the installation, you can turn to your fencing supplier for guidance.

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